Golden triangle unlocked thanks to dramatically reduced journey times on the Waikato Expressway

The recently completed Waikato Expressway is a cracking example of how first-class infrastructure can unlock the potential of a region, provide tangible economic gains and efficiencies, while delivering much-needed safety outcomes for the transport industry and other road users. In fact, it is so good, that some would suggest the Waikato Expressway should be the blueprint for how future critical roading infrastructure is delivered, minus the 30-year timeframe.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 24/02/2023

Nearly two weeks on following cyclone Gabrielle, the adrenaline of the event
is wearing off and reality is starting to set in.

For those in the trucking industry, that reality is ranging from “I’ve just
lost my entire yard, 30 vehicles and life’s work” through to dealing with major
detours on delivery runs.