Justin’s Transport Minute – 25/08/2023

Here at NRC we are always busy everyday representing your interests, and I wanted to share with you some of the ways we are working so that both your views are heard, and also so that you stay informed. It is a two way road, after all.

Firstly, next in line for our successful webinar series is Heavy Vehicle Permitting Changes. Riccardo Areosa, Programme Manager-Permits at Waka Kotahi will be joining NRC to talk through and answer any questions on suggested changes to the vehicle permitting system. This is your opportunity to help NZTA get it right for the industry – we’re looking for good engagement, advice and questions. Registrations are strong, don’t miss out and register here. The Webinar will be on Thursday 7th September at 10:30am, and the recording will be made available for those that can’t make it.

Headaches getting a CoF is something we hear regularly about from members at NRC. Driving hundreds of kilometres and / or waiting for hours in line (sometimes overnight) to secure a CoF are some of the horror stories shared. As we do in these situations, we reached out to VTNZ and asked to meet. Country Manager Greg O’Connor dropped into NRC offices and met with Commercial Transport Specialist Paula Rogers and I to talk through some of the challenges. Greg was very thoughtful, took on board feedback and talked us through how VTNZ ensure they deliver reliable service for transport operators. Many sites now have bookable lanes where drivers can book slots, but these have to be finely balanced with drop-ins to ensure efficient flow. VTNZ look closely at volumes nationwide, and open extra lanes and sites where needed. For smaller towns that don’t have the volumes for a VTNZ site, Greg pointed out that technicians can get qualified to do CoF inspections at independent workshops, a solution that works well in some of the more remote areas. NRC will continue to work closely with VTNZ and help them provide communications to members.

As well as permits and CoFs, NRC has been submitting on the New Plymouth District Council’s Draft Integrated Transport Framework. Road freight references in the document are light, so we are working to provide an education on the largest part of the supply chain. The themes are not new; modal shift away from roads onto rail, marine and public transport, and more competing uses of road corridors for cycle lanes, pedestrians and e-scooters. NRC find ourselves facing these same planning issues at councils up and down the country – they are not unique to New Plymouth or any other region. We continue to champion transport plans that prioritise the safe, efficient and productive movement of road freight as the biggest lever to pull for emissions reductions.

We can’t do it alone. We want to hear from you – tell us the key issues you face as road transport operators and want raised. We want massive improvement, and that takes a team effort. I encourage you to take the time to put finger to keyboard and submit on your local council transport plans. The more thoughtful advice provided by road user professionals, the better the outcomes will be.

Enjoy your weekend.



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