Justin’s Transport Minute – 30/09/2022

This week, appropriately enough given its Mental Health Awareness Week, I’ve had my first taste of the realities truck drivers face on the road all too often. One of our members called me for a chat, and dropped into the conversation that they’d recently been first to arrive on the scene at a major road accident, sadly with fatalities. Confronting doesn’t begin to describe what he saw. When I asked if he was alright, there was a pause, and then a simple “no, I’m not”. This honest and completely human response impressed me, and made room for a chat to make sure he was taking steps to get looked after. Thankfully he’d already reached out for support.

None of us are immune to our emotions struggling to process our experiences, no matter how tough we think we are. We all have families, friends, colleagues and loved ones that mean everything to us. Tragedy is when we don’t realise how much until they are gone. It takes courage to reach out to those around us, but just the simple act of asking if someone is alright can make a world of difference. Don’t be afraid to let them know you care about them – no matter who we are, we all respond to genuine compassion.

And if you’re the one needing help, take the first step and reach out for help. It might be to that loved one you know and trust, your or one of the many support services available. “No, I’m not” might be all you need to say to get the ball rolling.



Justin Tighe-Umbers

CEO | National Road Carriers Assn

DDI: +64 9 636 2951 | Mob: +64 27 268 4053| E: justin.tighe-umbers@natroad.co.nz | www.natroad.co.nz

‘Supporting those who choose to make a living in the Road Transport Industry’ Since 1936


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