Justin’s Transport Minute – 26/07/2024

This week has reminded me yet again that no two days are the same in the transport industry.

Each week we talk to so many members, and there continues to be a common theme – how slow the economy is. When I ask how the business is going, it is always a spectrum. Some have had no works for months, many have trucks parked up, some more fortunate are continuing to keep busy. But it is clear many people are struggling with a slowdown in business, inside and outside the industry.

For those who are hurting, now is the time to use your NRC membership. Our fantastic team love helping our members, they can’t get enough of it. We’ve had a steady stream coming in for advice on managing their costs, how to get through the downturn, and using our tools such as our cost model and cost index. Most leave relieved, none regret asking for help.

How we help our members

I’d like to share a couple of examples of how our team helped two very relieved transport operators this week. Week-in week-out our team provides this help, quietly behind the scenes, making a very real difference to those that find themselves in tight spots.

One had a serious health & safety situation with a staff member, needing support to navigate how to best look after their employee, while also meeting compliance requirements in what could have been a very serious case. They were so pleased with the help we offered they signed up as a new NRC member on the spot!

The second was facing a serious allegation of RUC noncompliance that was able to be resolved in such a way that gave NZTA assurance that the offending had not happened and also strengthened the operators processes that had caused the impression offending had occurred.

In both examples, our team used their trusted relationships to deliver a win-win, going out to bat for the transport operator to help them get back on track and demonstrating improved compliance and lessons learned with the regulators.

Others have had compliance check visits from NZTA that can be a very unsettling experience causing a lot of stress and anxiety. If you receive one of these requests contact one of the CTS team to help you.

Government announces accelerated Northland Expressway

Hearts sank with last week’s slip temporarily closing the newly minted Brynderwns highway, again showing how treacherous that stretch of terrain is. With impeccable timing, no sooner than it was re-opened the Minister of Transport announced the acceleration of the Northland Expressway as a three-phase public-private partnership (PPP). The Puhoi to Warkworth expressway has been a game changer, extending it all the way to Whangarei will be a massive shot in the arm for the Northland economy.

I’m especially pleased with how the government is going about this. Bundling up billions of dollars worth of build into a PPP gives contractors certainty, and the scale and scope to drive real efficiencies, while getting them to sharpen their pencils for build costs. The PPP also balances out the commercial risks in a fair and realistic way. The Brynderwyns highway enhancements are a critical piece of work, but as the slip showed, they are on borrowed time. Accelerating the bypass is exactly the right thing to do – and what NRC has been leading the charge for.

NRC in the regions

This week NRC’s own Paula Rogers has been on the road in Taranaki, meeting members and attending an NZTA-Downer pre-season State Highway maintenance workshop in New Plymouth. This is all about making sure the voice of road freight is heard in the regional road plan for Taranaki. NRC provides that voice at these meetings up and down the country, keeping our road controlling authorities informed and accountable.

Growing the NRC team

We are continuing to grow the great team we have here at NRC. Last week Amanda Henton joined the team as our new Member Relationship Specialist. Amanda has already hit the road meeting our members, you may find her popping into your yard to say hello and to make sure you are getting the most out of your NRC membership. Welcome aboard Amanda!

End of an era

Very sad to hear this week of the passing of Graham Dickey, such a well-known name and personality not just in the mighty Waiuku and NRC members but throughout the Auckland region and beyond. Graham made a huge contribution to the transport industry, and many will be turning up to pay their respects at his funeral on Monday, including NRC. I’d like to pass on my sincere condolences to the Dickey family.

May you rest in peace Graham.



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