Interest rates down but cost of diesel & tyres may rise

Operating costs for transport companies were broadly lower in the final quarter of 2024, continuing a trend of moderating cost pressures throughout last year.

Fuel costs fell for the fourth consecutive quarter, down 1.9% from the September quarter and 13% from a year earlier. The other major decline was for financing costs,

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Torque with Paula 

Paula Rogers

When a government agency advises it will be turning up for an audit, inspection or visit it can be stressful especially if you haven’t got everything to run a safe and efficient company in order.

Woody’s Corner -Auckland Transport Update

Orakei Road – We are seeing another spike in container truck operators using the Orakei Road route. These trucks should not be using these roads.

Walmsley Road – An essential freight corridor from July 2025 to February 2026 will be closed due to a culvert replacement.

Takanini – It will take six years for rail bridges to be built, leading to level crossing closures. NRC is asking AT how it will minimise freight disruption.

What are the prospects for fuel price in 2025?

Diesel prices drifted downwards throughout much of 2024, by September reaching their lowest level since Russia invaded Ukraine in early 2022. But the relief for transport operators has been short-lived, with a renewed lift of almost 30c/L since early October. The upward pressure on fuel costs in New Zealand has been twofold.

Torque with Paula 

Paula Rogers

NRC frequently meets Road Controlling Authorities and contractors providing feedback on the impact to transport operators that planned works may have. We recently met with NZTA re the Te Ahu a Turanga: Manawatū Tararua Highway and Downers re Taranaki road maintenance as well as visiting the new Bombay CVSC site, pictured here, that is well underway.

One NZ Satellite TEXT coming soon

Currently around 40% of New Zealand has no mobile coverage. One NZ is about to change this making New Zealand safer. One NZ Satellite TXT coming soon.

What to look for in a health & safety app

Meeting your health and safety responsibilities with ease and efficiency can sometimes feel like a big task, involving a lot of paperwork. With the introduction of so many apps now that can help to streamline your processes, you may be considering whether an app is this the right option for your business.

INZ: Allowing enough time to apply for AEWV

It is crucial that you allow enough time and factor in the time it takes for each phase of the process. The latest processing times are available on the Immigration New Zealand (INZ) website to help you plan accordingly:

Torque with Paula 

Paula Rogers

Whilst doing my regional rounds one major issue comes up time and again – road repair quality. We all know that feeling on Christmas morning when the excitement builds just before opening our gifts. It’s that same feeling when we see the contractors out with their milling machines and bitumen trucks and we think “Yes, we are finally getting our roads fixed!”

Woody’s corner

While the Government has just announced a record $32.9 billion investment in New Zealand’s transport network throughout the country over the next three years – see Roads of regional significance story below

What do Regional Deals mean for the transport sector?

The Government is inviting all regions to submit proposals for Regional Deals between central and local government to drive economic growth and deliver infrastructure including for water supply, roads and housing.

Xmas Message form NRC’s Chairman

It’s time us to move into ‘thrival’ mode, which is a concept based on the premise that we aren’t just overcoming the challenges we face, we are using them to help us grow, evolve, and eventually flourish into the next phase.  

Take advantage of MITO scholarships 

The new Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) for loading and unloading cargo at ports will play a critical role in improving safety from multiple perspectives