Justin’s Transport Minute – 6/09/2024

Spring has sprung, and right on cue on Sunday the temperature gauge on my car dashboard read 20 degrees for the first time in a long time. As well as sunshine, blossoms and longer days, it also signals the return to a more intensive road working season, with summer pavement rehabilitation on the way.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 30/08/2024

If you happened by the NRC building at the right moment this week you would have been bemused to hear the sound of cheering emitting from my office. Members will be familiar with NRC’s pre-election campaign calling for a 50-year roading infrastructure plan, and the success we have had in getting a 30-year plan built into the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 23/08/2024

Another week in transport, another government initiative announced – change is coming fast at the moment. This week the Minister of Local Government Simeon Brown has announced the launch of a framework to establish Regional Deals between central and local government.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 2/08/2024

Are we still on track for that soft landing?​ Back in April principal economist Brad Olsen from NRC partner Infometrics said hopes of a soft landing for the New Zealand economy “are disappearing.”

Justin’s Transport Minute – 13/06/2024

This week a report crossed my desk that was very hard reading. The Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum has produced a report that is essential reading for everyone who employs staff.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 6/06/2024

Road freight has plenty on the plate for the Director of Land Transport

This week the NRC Transport & Logistics Advisory Group met with the Director of Land Transport, and General Manager of Regulation, Brent Alderton.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 24/05/2024

Some relief for transport operators, as cost pressures begin to ease

Anyone trying to read the tea leaves on our economy at the moment maybe getting a headache.

Those trying to understand the Official Cash Rate (OCR) announcement this week can be forgiven for wondering what tea pot the Reserve Bank Governor is consulting.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 10/05/2024

Transport businesses pay the price for employment breaches

Recently at least two transport operators have hit the headlines for the all the wrong reasons. Failing to look after their people, both fell foul of the Employment Authority and had to pay the price, literally.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 3/05/2024

Latest slip on the Brynderwyns shows just why fast track consent process is critical.

Tuesday this week an ominous email appeared in my inbox.

“There’s been a slip”. My heart sank.

Justin’s Transport Minute – 19/04/2024

This week I met with Minister for Infrastructure, the Hon. Chris Bishop at the Auckland Chamber of Commerce. Two hot topics came up:

How can we build infrastructure faster?
How do we protect projects from stopping and starting on political whims, and just get it built?

      Before going to the meeting, I heard the Minister for Regional Development, Hon. Shane Jones, on the radio refer to our “constipation” when it comes to building infrastructure. Eloquent as ever, but not wrong. So what is Minister Bishop looking to do to unblock the infrastructure pipe?