NRC Advocacy submission and consultation summary

2024 has seen many submissions and consultations for the NRC team to work through. Local, District and Regional councils consulted on their Long-Term Transport Plans, and we submitted on many appearing before council committees throughout the country either in person or via video link.

Turning now to central government and agencies, it is fair to say this Government is moving at pace and is focused on lifting productivity and the economic performance of New Zealand.

This pace will continue and the period for consultations will remain tight, so if you see a request for feedback on an issue you have an opinion on, please get in touch. We have seen several examples already where points raised in our submissions have changed policy.


Written Submissions

In addition to these formal written submissions the NRC team also submits via on-line forms and participates in briefings with officials.

Ministry of Transport

Government Policy Statement on Land Transport
NRC Submission on the GPS

Setting of Speed Limits
Setting of Speed Limits 2024 NRC Submission


Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Ministry for the Environment

Emission Reduction Plan Two
National Road Carriers ERP2 Submission

Ministry of Education

Vocational Education and Training
NRC Submission Vocational Education and Training

Climate Change Commission

Electricity Commission

Future Security and Resilience of Electricity Sector
National Road Carriers Submission on Future of Operation of NZ Power Sustem

Local Government


Auckland Long term plan
Auckland LTP

Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan
NRC Submission AKL RLTP

Auckland Transport Parking Strategy
Room to Move Parking Strategy

Hawkes Bay


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