Orakei Road
NRC again discussed with Auckland Transport (AT) that we are seeing another spike in container truck operators using the Orakei Road route, with some drivers opting to use it outside of the Strategic Freight Network. These trucks should not be using these roads. It creates a negative perception of our industry for residents in the area and affects the social licence of road freight to operate.
As many of you are aware, Auckland Transport (AT) manages the road use regulations and the various aspects of traffic management, including heavy vehicle movements.
NRC then came up with several options for AT to consider:
- Enhancing signage and routing systems to direct trucks to designated freight routes.
- Implementing restrictions to limit truck access.
- Increasing enforcement and penalties for non-compliance.
As this is a safety issue, we expect AT to act quickly.
Walmsley Road
Auckland City Council and AT will be closing an essential freight corridor from July 2025 through to February 2026, due to a culvert that needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, it will have an impact on getting access to SH20 from Walmsley Road.
NRC has requested traffic modelling to ascertain the impact on freight routes and congestion levels. This is to identify that these routes can accommodate heavy vehicles including HMPVs as there are limited alternative routes for heavy vehicles and therefore potentially increasing congestion in peak times. NRC continues to work with ACC and AT to come up with a resolution.
As an action item we have requested ACC/AT to produce flyers and drop to residential areas to avoid our industry getting a backlash.
The final note is on the impact on level crossing closures at Takanini without the appropriate bridges being built. NRC has been informed it will take at least six years for the bridges to be built, and this is on top of a worsening congestion issue in this area.
NRC is looking at conducting meetings in the area while also asking AT how they will manage traffic flow and minimise freight disruptions. As an industry we need to go through the detail on what a loss of service will have on forecasting traffic volumes.
The other factor we discussed in our meeting was the impact of bus lanes being installed on Great South Road in this area. We again requested that trucks be allowed to use the bus lanes at least while the closures are in place.